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Savings Hacks for Jobless Teens: Top 15 Student Tips

school year group

11 min read.

Have you ever wished you could learn how to save money as a teenager without a job? With a little creativity and determination, it’s entirely possible!

We explore some fantastic ways to earn enough money, make the most of your resources, and develop smart spending habits that will set you up for a bright future.

Short Summary

  • Explore creative income sources, budget and track expenses, prioritize needs over wants & set realistic savings goals.

  • Utilize online gigs, freelancing, and local odd jobs. Sell unwanted items & upcycle for extra cash.

  • Become financially responsible with parental support & take advantage of student discounts to save more money!


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Table of Contents

Creative Ways for Teens to Earn Money

A teenage girl counting her money

Who says you need a traditional job to earn money as a teenager? In today’s digital age, there are countless methods for earning money without being tied to a regular part-time job. The possibilities are endless, from online gigs and freelancing to a neighborhood summer job!

Imagine having the freedom to work on your terms, set your hours, and choose projects that interest you. These opportunities not only contribute to your savings goal but also develop valuable skills and gain experience that will benefit you in the long run.

Bill Gates founded Microsoft at the age of 19, Mark Zuckerberg started Facebook at 19 too, and Steve Jobs created Apple at the age of 21 - take control of your future now!

So, are you ready to explore some exciting options to grow your bank account? Let’s dive in!

Online Gigs

The internet has opened up a world of opportunities for many teenagers to make money from the comfort of their own homes. Online gigs can be as simple as taking surveys, joining focus groups, data entry, or even testing websites for usability.

These online side hustles can be a fun way to earn some extra cash while also learning about different industries and markets.

Plus, with the flexibility of working from anywhere, you can easily fit them into your busy schedule. So, why not give it a try and see how much you can save without even stepping out of your room?!


Are you a budding artist, writer, or even a tutor? Freelancing is an excellent way for teens to put their skills to good use and make money on their terms. By offering your services on a project basis, you can control your workload, set your rates, and choose projects that interest you.

To find freelancing opportunities, explore platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or even social media. Connect with other professionals, create a portfolio, and start building your personal brand.

With determination and persistence, you’ll be well on your way to making a name for yourself while saving money for your future goals.

Neighborhood Odd Jobs

Why not take advantage of the tasks right outside your door? Neighborhood jobs like pet sitting, washing cars, lawn care, or babysitting are different ways to earn extra bucks while also helping out your community.

These activities often require little to no experience, making them perfect for teens who are just starting to dip their toes into the working world.

You can also try to secure your first job the old-fashioned way by contacting small businesses in your area, a restaurant, a local coffee shop, or a grocery store. This may only pay the minimum wage but is a good way for young people to earn a steady income.

To find these jobs, talk to family and friends, browse online job boards, or put up flyers around your neighborhood. When offering your services, remember to be professional, reliable, and friendly.

Not only will you be making extra money, but you’ll also be building valuable connections and gaining knowledge that can benefit you later in life.

You could also include these skills in your CV, as they show initiative and know-how to prospective employers.

Smart Saving Techniques for Teens

A teenage girl budgeting her expenses

Learning to save effectively is crucial for reaching your financial goals and building a strong foundation for your future.

From budgeting and tracking expenses to prioritizing needs over wants, these techniques will help you maximize your earnings and make the most of your hard-earned money.

So, are you ready to take control of your finances and pave the way for a successful future? Let’s explore some smart saving techniques that will get you there!

Budgeting and Tracking Expenses

Budgeting and tracking expenses are essential for understanding your spending habits and identifying areas where you could spend less money. By analyzing your bank account statements and categorizing your expenses, you gain valuable insights into where your money is going, pinpoint unnecessary purchases, and make adjustments accordingly.

To make tracking expenses easy and fun, consider using a journal, a simple spreadsheet, or even a budgeting app like Acorns, YNAB, or Mint. By staying on top of your spending and making necessary improvements, you’ll be better equipped to save money and work towards your financial goals.

Remember, knowledge is power, and understanding how you spend money is the first step toward achieving your savings goal.

Prioritizing Needs Over Wants

One of the most important aspects of saving money is learning to prioritize needs over wants. Needs are the essentials, like food, shelter, and clothing, while wants are the unnecessary expenses, like video games and luxury items.

Cut costs and focus on fulfilling your needs first, you’ll free up more cash to save in your checking account.

Setting Realistic Savings Goals

Setting a realistic savings goal is crucial for staying motivated and making consistent progress toward your financial objectives. These goals can range from short-term targets, like saving for a new phone, to long-term aspirations, like investing in college tuition or building a down payment for your first car.

One effective way to achieve your savings goal is by utilizing savings accounts to keep your money secure and growing over time thanks to compound interest.

Understandably, many parents set up a bank account for their children. When you reach majority, speak to them and shop around as many banks have tailored checking accounts for young adults with attractive interest rates.

A savings calculator can be a helpful tool in determining your monthly savings and how much you need to set aside each month to achieve your goals. Monitor your progress and adjust your savings habit as needed to stay on track.

Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither are your savings – so be patient and persistent, and celebrate your milestones along the way!

Automate Money into your Bank Account or Savings Account

Using a banking app, you can easily automate the process of saving money by setting up a recurring direct deposit into your savings account.

This feature allows you to specify a fixed reasonable amount that will be automatically moved from your checking account to your savings account at regular intervals, such as weekly or monthly.

By establishing this automatic transfer, you ensure that a portion of your income is consistently allocated towards savings without any extra effort on your part.

Related read: Acorns Review: This micro-investing app offers an approachable platform for beginners

Making the Most of Your Existing Resources

A teenage girl selling her unwanted items

You don’t always need to earn more money to save – sometimes, it’s just a matter of making the most of what you already have. By selling unwanted items, swapping with friends, and upcycling, you can maximize your existing resources and reduce your need to spend on new things.

Not only do these strategies help your savings, but they also promote a sustainable lifestyle that benefits both you and the environment.

So why not give them a try and see just how much you can save by getting creative with what you already own?

Selling Unwanted Items

We all have possessions lying around that we no longer need or want. Why not turn them into cash and sell items online? Platforms like eBay, Poshmark, or Depop make it easy to list your items and reach a wide audience of potential buyers.

To ensure a successful selling experience, take clear, high-quality photos of your items, provide detailed descriptions, and set fair prices.

With a little effort, you can turn your unwanted items into extra income that you can put toward your savings goals. Start decluttering and watch your savings grow!

save and open an Ebay account

Swapping and Sharing with Friends

Swapping and sharing belongings with friends is another great way to save money. From clothing swaps to skill-sharing, these exchanges can help you acquire new items or learn new skills without spending a dime.

To get started, organize an in-person swap party, join a local swap group, or simply reach out to friends and family members to see if they have items or skills they’d be interested in trading.

shop at thrift stores or look for sales

DIY and Upcycling

Do you have a creative streak? DIY and upcycling projects can help you save money by repurposing items you already own. From transforming old t-shirts into reusable grocery bags to making furniture from discarded pallets, the possibilities are endless!

To get started, research project ideas and gather the necessary tools and materials. Be patient and take your time – with a little effort and creativity, you can create something truly unique and valuable while saving money in the process.

So get your creative juices flowing and start upcycling today!

Financial Education and Support

A teenage girl learning about investment decisions

Financial education and support are essential for empowering teens to make informed decisions about their money. By learning about personal finance, communicating with parents, and exploring financial tools and apps, teens can develop the skills and knowledge needed to control their finances effectively.

Armed with this knowledge, teenagers can make wiser spending choices, set achievable savings goals, and ultimately build a strong financial foundation for their future.

So let’s explore the importance of financial education and support and how they can help you manage your money.

Learning About Personal Finance

A young person holding a piggy bank with the words how to save money without a job written on it.

Learning about personal finance is an investment in your future. By understanding topics such as budgeting, saving, investing, credit, and debt management, you can develop good money habits that will pay off you throughout your life.

Books, online resources, or classes can offer valuable information for teens. By gaining this knowledge and applying it to your everyday life, you’ll be better equipped to make smart financial decisions and build a strong foundation for your future.

Remember, knowledge is power – and when it comes to individual finances, it’s the key to unlocking a lifetime of financial success!

Communicating with Parents

Parents can be a valuable source of guidance and support when it comes to managing your finances. By communicating openly and honestly about your money goals and challenges, you can benefit from their wisdom and experience.

To foster positive communication with your parents or legal guardian, be candid about your objectives, listen to their advice, and show respect for their opinions. By working together, you can develop a strong support system - two heads are better than one – your parents’ guidance can be priceless!

Exploring Financial Tools and Apps

Financial tools and apps can be incredibly helpful in managing your money and staying on track with your savings goals. From budgeting apps like Mint and YNAB to investment platforms like Acorns and brokerage account services like eToro, these tools can make it easier to stay organized and make smart decisions about your finances.

By exploring and utilizing these tools, you’ll be able to monitor your spending, track your progress, and make adjustments as needed. Plus, with the convenience of having your financial information at your fingertips, managing your money will become second nature.

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Making Smart Spending Choices

A teenage girl comparing prices and shopping wisely

Being smart with your spending money is just as important as earning and saving it, especially when it comes to helping a teenager save money.

By comparing prices, taking advantage of student discounts, and avoiding impulse purchases, you can stretch your dollars further and make the most of your hard-earned money when you spend it wisely.

So, are you ready to learn how to make smart spending choices that will help you achieve your financial goals? Let’s explore some strategies that will empower you to spend intelligently and make every penny count.

Comparing Prices and Shopping Wisely

One of the best way to save money is to compare prices. Whether you’re buying clothes or electronics, taking the time to research and compare prices can help you find the best deals and save money on your purchases.

Be proactive and mindful of your spending, use comparison websites, read product reviews, and keep an eye out for sales and promotions.

There is a famous saying ''A penny saved is a penny earned'' - meaning that saving money is like earning money.

Taking Advantage of Student Discounts

Did you know that many retailers and restaurants offer student discounts? By taking advantage of these discounts, you can often save 10% or more on your purchases.

To make the most of a student discount, always carry your student ID with you, and don’t be afraid to ask if a reduction is available.

Get more money by following the golden rule ''You don't ask, you don't get''!

Avoiding Impulse Purchases

Avoiding impulse buys is another key strategy for making smart spending choices. One effective method to resist the urge is the 30-day rule, which involves waiting 30 days before purchasing to reflect on whether you truly need the item.

Additionally, using cash instead of a debit card can make you more aware of how you spend and help you stay within your budget.

The statement from Proverbs 22:7 by King Solomon holds ''The borrower is the slave of the lender''. When we have too much debt, even the things we buy impulsively can end up making us feel dissatisfied and resentful.

How to Save Money as a Teenager Without a Job: Conclusion

In conclusion, saving extra money as a teenager without a job is not only possible, but it can also be an exciting and rewarding journey.

By exploring creative ideas to earn cash, practicing smart saving techniques, making the most of your existing resources, and educating yourself on personal finance, you can pave the way toward a successful financial future.

As a young adult, it can be challenging to hone in on the skills needed for financial stability. 73% of teens reported wanting more personal finance education (2021 survey).

Though it won’t happen overnight, with careful planning and personal discipline, anyone will see dividends from their attempts to save.

Paying attention to small details like student discounts, online gigs, and budgeting can truly add up in the long run.

To end things off, let us know what your favorite money-saving methods are – tell us your tips on how to save money in the comments below!

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I save money if I don't have a job?

Even without a job, there are still ways to start saving money. Create a budget, minimize expenses, track your spending, take advantage of free resources, and seek assistance if you're facing financial hardship.

Additionally, look into deferments on payments, and cash-in rewards. Even if you can only save a small amount, make it a habit to set aside a portion of whatever income you receive. Every little bit adds up over time, and it establishes a positive savings mindset.

How much money should a 15-year-old have saved?

As a fifteen-year-old, you should make a habit of saving 10% of your income. Doing this will help set you up for financial success now and in the future!

Invest $25 per week over the next 20 years - you may end up with over $55,000! See how your savings can grow over time with this calculator.

Having a savings account is an important part of financial planning. It can help you build a cushion for unexpected expenses, and it can also help you reach your long-term financial goals.

How can I save money at 16 with a job?

As a 16-year-old with a part-time job, you can start saving money by opening a savings account, setting goals for yourself, budgeting, using cash instead of your debit card, looking for ways to save on expenses, and embracing student discounts.

You could also perform more chores to earn an allowance or invest in a money-saving app to help keep track of your spending.

No Investment Advice. This article does not provide financial advice and has been prepared without taking into account any person’s investment objectives, financial situation, or particular needs.

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